Author Archives: Adeela

Everything You Need to Know About Purchase Orders

Everything You Need to Know About Purchase Orders

For small businesses, startups, or small orders, purchases of resources via emails or verbal agreements might suffice. However, as your business grows, a more organized and reliable system is needed for bigger inventory purchases. Purchase orders (Pos) can simplify procuring … Read More

how to manage warehouse inventory

How Do You Manage Warehouse Inventory?

Warehouse inventory management comprises receiving, storing, tracking, auditing, and managing stock for the purpose of fulfilling customer orders. Efficiently practicing warehouse management techniques involves making floor adjustments, employing technology and automation, and collecting data for better inventory optimization. Avoiding these … Read More

how to start an Electronic Store in dubai

How to Start an Electronic Store Business in Dubai

Dubai is among the leading metropolis cities in the world booming with diverse businesses. The city boasts to be one of the fastest-growing economies around the globe and holds the position of the richest city in the Middle East. Opening … Read More

5 Tips to Effectively Manage Inventory for Online Stores

5 Tips to Effectively Manage Inventory for Online Stores

Inventory management is a crucial step for any lucrative business. Still, many small businesses take it very lightly and don’t practice good management of the products they sell. Such businesses may have too little inventory, failing to meet customer demand … Read More

What is ERP software? A detailed Guide

What is ERP software? A detailed Guide

Enterprise resource planning (ERP) is a system used by businesses to streamline and optimize operations. A company comprises of many individual units that work together towards a common interest, such as procuring and purchasing, sales, finance, marketing, planning, and human … Read More

How to Manage Inventory in a Retail Store

How to Manage Inventory in a Retail Store

An organized inventory is the key to running smooth operations at your retail store. Through proper retail inventory management, you can identify sale patterns, forecast product sales, stock the appropriate amount of merchandise, lower expenditures, and increase your profits. Practicing … Read More

What are the 5 Main Things That Affect Productivity

What are the 5 Main Things That Affect Productivity?

Productivity is one of the crucial factors that determine a business’s success. It signifies how fast your business is producing the desired output. In simple terms, the greater the productivity, the larger the profits. Utilizing minimum resources to generate a … Read More

Ways to Increase Productivity in Manufacturing

Ways to Increase Productivity in Manufacturing

When it comes to production, wasted time means wasted money. Naturally, more time spent on manufacturing equals generating more revenue. However, improving manufacturing productivity without compromising on quality can be a struggle. Improving manufacturing productivity requires implementing a time-saving approach, … Read More

Guide to Inventory Management

Guide to Inventory Management

What is Inventory Management? Stock in a business is the goods or raw material or a product that the business wants to sell with the intention of making a profit. A business that has inventory will need a way or … Read More


How Do You Calculate Inventory on Cash Flow Statement?

Inventory, or stock, refers to the goods or commodities held within a business for the purpose of resale or trade to generate profit. Changes in product levels in the business have an effect on the cash flow statement and its … Read More